Recorded Webinars

Stop the Madness: How Treasury Teams Can Finally End Their Reliance on E-Banking Portals & Excel Spreadsheets

As scaling treasury teams look to upgrade their technology, banking, and payment structures, it’s common for those that have been relying primarily on Excel spreadsheets and e-banking portals to begin considering the use of more specialized solutions. However, one of the more frustrating realities about the treasury technology landscape is that many available products are too bulky, complex, or expensive to be an effective option for smaller teams.

All too often, treasurers that need solutions to address their core cash, payments, and banking functions must navigate through a plethora of enterprise-level platforms that tend to offer unnecessary or “out-of-scope” features, along with unattainable pricing and service agreements.  So then, what are treasury teams at scaling companies supposed to do?  

In this webinar, John Kane, Saeed Al-Saleh, and Jon Paquette of TIS focus on the following objectives:

-Understanding the core challenges that small and scaling treasury groups face when evaluating the modern treasury technology market.

-Showcasing how small treasury groups that need to eliminate their reliance on Excel and e-banking tools but that do not need the full scope of offerings available through a traditional TMS can find effective alternatives to address their needs. 

-Demonstrating how scaling treasury teams can achieve optimal automation, control, and efficiency across their operations, without breaking the bank or overburdening themselves or their IT teams. 

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