Dawn Foods

How Dawn Foods achieved millions of dollars in annual working capital savings with TIS.

Dawn Foods is a global B2B bakery ingredient supplier with multiple entities & finance departments. With more than 50 global locations, products in 100+ countries, and 40,000+ B2B clients, they are one of the main players in the food industry.

About the Dawn Foods Treasury Technology Project

In the months leading up to their project, Dawn Foods’ treasury team initiated an extensive survey of key business personnel to define their requirements for adopting a new cash forecasting and working capital solution. Based on the feedback they obtained and a thorough analysis of available fintech vendors, TIS, a next-generation payments, cash & working capital analytics solution, came out on top. By designing a proof of concept in cooperation with the internal IT department, a successful solution was implemented with the key objective of a 10% year-over-year reduction of Net Working Capital Days. This led to millions of dollars saved since setting up the new project (over a three-year period).

Starting in 2015, Dawn Foods implemented a change management process to turn their organization into a more cash-oriented company. The key objective was a 10% year-over-year reduction of Net Working Capital Days. One of treasury’s essential building blocks of this plan was implementing a 24/7 working capital tool whereby the KPI’s could be reported into several dimensions that are relevant to the different business units and functions. The different dimensions are important, as the business will only support improvement processes and accept targets unless the KPI’s are measured in relevant dimensions.

Download the full Dawn Foods success story in order to:

  • See how Dawn’s treasury group leveraged TIS’ working capital tools to achieve millions in annual savings.
  • View the main benefits associated with Dawn’s utilization of TIS’ working capital and cash forecasting tools.
  • Understand how TIS enabled Dawn to respond to sudden and global changes in the economic and geopolitical environment to ensure continual working capital efficiency.
Dawn Food Products

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