Product Factsheet

Working Capital Insights

The TIS Working Capital Insights solution provides global businesses with 360-degree visibility and control over all their core working capital metrics and KPIs.

With this suite of capabilities, organizations can seamlessly integrate their ERPs and corresponding AP and AR data with our solution in order to review payment terms and behavior for vendors and customers, analyze invoice and billing activity, and measure all elements related to their net working capital status and cash conversion cycle.

As TIS enables clients to aggregate and classify their data, users can evaluate their metrics globally or granularly according to specific entities, regions, or customers and suppliers. Users can also leverage TIS’ visual dashboards for intuitive reporting and refine their analyses by any timeframe to view activity and cash flows through customizable and flexible parameters.

Using TIS’ solution, organizations can maintain unparalleled visibility over their working capital and effectively take control of, recognize, and react to abnormalities in their working capital drivers. For instance, users can evaluate DPO or DSO to identify discrepancies in payment behavior across certain regions and customer groups, or analyze payment and invoice terms across their supplier base to determine whether additional efficiencies or adjustments could be introduced.

By leveraging these tools in conjunction with TIS’ other liquidity and payment management solutions, organizations can access all data and information related to their global cash balances, payment statuses, and broader working capital operations for the entire company. And with TIS’ robust cash forecasting tools, clients can utilize their global data stored within TIS to produce highly accurate and effective cash forecasts across any time horizon.

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