Product Factsheet

Payee Community Screening (PCS): Intelligent Fraud Prevention

TIS’ Payee Community Screening (PCS) tool pulls data from a global library of verified transactions to confirm the legitimacy of new payment instructions.

Developed in direct response to a noted increase in invoice and BEC fraud, this PCS network works by aggregating payment data across our trusted community of global enterprises and bank partners.

As new payments are submitted by various clients through TIS, our PCS solution compares the underlying beneficiary (supplier) and bank account information against a comprehensive record of all other transactions executed through the system, including those made by other enterprises in the network.

In an environment where subterfuge and deception are a criminal’s main assets, these community screening techniques are essential for ensuring that fraudsters cannot bypass your controls simply by infiltrating those of a supplier or vendor within your network. They also ensure that as soon as fraudulent or suspicious payment info is identified by one enterprise, the data can be quickly shared across all other enterprises in the network for purposes of quickly halting subsequent payments to that account or beneficiary.

The key benefits of this solution for our corporate clients include:

  • Strong (self-improving, community powered) real-time fraud prevention.
  • Improved global security and transparency across all connected entities and business units.
  • Streamlined fraud prevention processes (decreased manual workload.
  • Reduced false positives (community allow-list optionality).
  • Sophisticated audit-proof case management.
  • Flexible screening configuration (e.g., needed because of business model and risk profile).
  • Rapid and easy implementation (fully integrated in TIS Bank Transaction Manager, available independently from TIS payments solution)

Learn more about our PCS solution by downloading the full factsheet below!

Click here to review TIS’ data and legal policy as it relates to the use of our PCS solution. 

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