Recorded Webinars

Best Practices for Addressing the Modern Technology Challenges of Scaling Treasury Teams

As scaling treasury teams look to adopt new technology solutions for improving their operations and driving greater automation and efficiency, there are typically a few core challenges that must be addressed up-front. These challenges often relate to a limited budget for investing in new solutions and a lack of available bandwidth from both treasury and internal IT to dedicate towards a new implementation project.

At the same time, treasury teams at quickly growing companies regularly face pushback from other internal stakeholders as to the value that a new treasury solution would provide, and even then, many practitioners that gain the necessary approvals will struggle to identify viable options in the market that can provide the functionality they require at a price point that matches their expectations.

Despite ongoing democratization within the treasury technology landscape, the unfortunate reality is that many available platforms and vendors are still looking to address the needs of large, global enterprises. As a result, treasury teams in the midst of growth but that are not yet at the “enterprise” level are usually forced to consider solutions that offer unnecessary or redundant capabilities, excessive SLAs and pricing tiers, and minimal support with handling the implementation, integration, and connectivity of their solution with the rest of their technology stack.

However, by adopting a strategic approach to managing the RFP process and being tactical with how potential solutions and vendors are approached, scaling treasuries can still find technology platforms that offer the functionality and service-level support they require, without overspending or overcomplicating their architecture.

This webinar will help scaling treasury teams better understand how to approach new technology projects by:

– Identifying the key challenges that exist for small and growing teams when it comes to upgrading their technology stack and driving greater automation, efficiency, and control.

– Evaluating the most important factors that must be addressed internally when considering new solutions and vendors in the market, including how to gain approval from the appropriate stakeholders.

– Demonstrating how a strategic approach to technology RFPs, selections, and implementations can reduce headache and bandwidth issues while simultaneously ensuring ample support and an efficient roll-out of whatever solution is chosen.

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